The month of May is a beautiful time of year to get out and start riding. This month represents new seasons, new bikers and a month of safety. When you ride always be sure to be aware of your surroundings. Carelessly riding a motorcycle can lead from minor mishaps to devastating fatalities. The consequences of an unaware mind can have many future repercussions. Educating yourself in order to gain further safety measures is a wonderful way to stay safe on the road.

From beginner riders to experienced, safety needs to be known. Catching up on some education when it comes to motorcycles can keep both you and your bike out of harms way. There are some questions you must ask yourself before riding each and every time. When it comes to the month of May, motorcycle safety is on every riders mind. This is an awareness that should catch world wide attention throughout every year in every state.

The best way to stay safe on a bike is through the tires. Checking the owners manual for the proper specifications is a must when filling tires. Experienced riders can usually tell a difference while riding if their tires have to much or
to little air
Double checking the specifications is a smart move no matter which class of biker you consider yourself to be. Taking the precaution can possibly save you from gaining injury.
Checking your brakes on a regular basis is a must when it comes to proper safety. Have you been hearing any strange noises when you pull the brake? Brakes can easily wear down through time and heavy usage. If you can't tell if your brakes are fine, looking for a reputable motorcycle repair shop may be a great option. Just be aware of people trying to swindle a little extra cash for a problem that may not exist.

Checking al
l the extras such as cable, chains and lights can provide extra safety when taking your motorcycle out on the road. The chain should be lubricated to avoid both rust and damage to your bike. Cables and lights are obvious, but making a routine out of checking parts such as this will greatly benefit a biker. The more precautions a biker takes into consideration, the greater chance of staying safe rises as well.
Do you have the proper equipment to stay safe during the month of May and beyond? Motorcycle riders should always keep a helmet, glasses, shoes and riding clothes on them during long trips. This preparation will help you avoid major complications if an accident does occur. Staying educated on your motorcycle safety needs is a must with all the crazy drivers on the road today.
Staying safe while riding throughout May and beyond is the goal for any biker in their right mind. Every time you ride be sure to use your full attention to help avoid any accidents that may present themselves. Now is the best time for you to get involved with safety when it comes to riding motorcycles in your area.
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